Supports Kalb for U.S. House of Representatives

I enthusiastically support Larry Kalb, Democrat, for U.S. Congress in Washington’s 2nd District. Many candidates declare their promises of change and hope, but few are willing to make it so. I believe Larry has the leadership ability and the constituent support to bring about the needed change.

I enthusiastically support Larry Kalb, Democrat, for U.S. Congress in Washington’s 2nd District.

Many candidates declare their promises of change and hope, but few are willing to make it so. I believe Larry has the leadership ability and the constituent support to bring about the needed change.

With Kalb as our representative we will achieve:

— Aggressive reinvestment in American jobs, an end to NAFTA and CAFTA, and withdrawal from the WTO.

— Single-payer healthcare covering every American citizen. “If criminals have a right to a lawyer, working Americans should have a right to a doctor.”

— An end to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Military action will not achieve the stated goal of eliminating terrorist networks.

— Immigration reform. Our system is clearly not working but the necessary reform must be humane.

— Verifiable elections based on paper ballots.

— Net neutrality.

The incumbent supports our current for-profit system in the health insurance industry. He also believes our troops should stay in Iraq and Afghanistan, supports NAFTA and continued oil drilling, and opposes publicly funded elections. To me, these positions are obsolete and will not create the healthy and progressive future we envision for ourselves and our communities.

Fortunately, we have Larry Kalb, the clear and obvious choice to represent our district in Congress. He has my vote.

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Maggie Lesoing
Friday Harbor