Affordable housing crises | Letter

Dear Editor,

As a 12th-grade student at Spring Street International School who has been working with San Juan Community Home Trust on the island’s housing crisis, I am compelled to address the ongoing challenges surrounding the HolliWalk project, particularly in light of recent developments.

The housing crisis on our islands is a longstanding issue, and the efforts of the San Juan Community Home Trust to provide affordable housing are invaluable. However, the project has encountered obstacles, particularly with the recent change in stance from the Town Council.

The sudden demand for expensive upgrades poses a significant challenge to the Trust’s mission of providing affordable housing. In response, they have proposed a compromise, suggesting alternative approaches that align with future development plans and community needs. This pragmatic solution seeks to balance immediate housing needs with long-term sustainability.

It is crucial for the community to support this compromise. By attending the upcoming meeting on May 16th or reaching out to Council members via email, residents can demonstrate their backing for a resolution that prioritizes affordability and responsible development.

In essence, this compromise embodies the delicate balance between meeting current demands and planning for future growth. It underscores the importance of thoughtful decision-making in addressing complex community issues.


Liliana Valkova

San Juan