Griffin Bay Bookstore hosts Heather Plett, author of ‘Where Tenderness Lives’

Submitted by Griffin Bay Bookstore

Griffin Bay Bookstore hosts author Heather Plett on Sunday, June 2 at 2 p.m. in the bookstore Café.

Heather Plett’s new book, Where Tenderness Lives, is a journey of self-exploration, forgiveness, and individual and collective healing. Where Tenderness Lives is a loving exploration of what it means to unravel what we’ve learned from our families, societies, religions, and cultures in order to heal and create a purposeful and joyful life. In this illuminating book, acclaimed author Heather Plett reveals:

• How trauma—from the earliest patterns of our upbringing to devastating events—can shape our lives and our personalities

• How treating ourselves with radical tenderness can be the balm of healing for our wounded selves, and how this healing can invite others into their own healing

• How learning to hold space for ourselves—our hopes, our aspirations, and our desires—is one of the most worthwhile pursuits of a life well-lived

Each chapter contains a revelation about how to move from shades of fear and doubt to freedom and joy. Through stories that range from what it meant to grow up Mennonite to surviving a horrific assault; from leaving a marriage that no longer worked to the poignant moment her grown daughters leave home, Plett provides a vocabulary of understanding how we grew into the people we are and how to move on from what no longer serves us.

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