Loftus is passionate and knowledgeable; the right choice | Letters

Respect the passion that defined and motivated the array of healthcare services we enjoy through PeaceHealth.

Things to remember when deciding who to vote in as our SJCPHD Commissioners: We obviously can’t all agree on every issue but perhaps we can respect the passion that defined and motivated, in the first place, the array of healthcare services we enjoy through PeaceHealth.

What was and is this passion? Let’s face it, the unbiased love of life originally birthed our Catholic and Protestant based hospitals, and tampering with the conscience behind a core mission statement is a brutal slap in the face of an organization that is only trying to respect life—both body and soul.

I myself voted twice (In OR and WA) for a terminally ill patient’s right to end life under the supervision of physicians. I bring that up to say that I still, ardently, give PeaceHealth the space they need to follow an integrity-driven mission statement. Is it coming that a doctor can be forced to end life regardless of conscience?  We dare not go there, especially when there are other places and willing doctors to provide those controversial services. Who am I to rewrite the vital philosophical and religious underpinnings of faith based healthcare? ww

I have seen firsthand the nobility of lifesaving healthcare as a longterm patient. I’m thankful for and respect that nobility. Your vote on who will protect the heart and soul of our hospital, will make a sweeping difference, perhaps far beyond the states PeaceHealth serves.

Michelle Loftus DVM is a great choice for leadership. If you know Michelle, she is both passionate and compassionate, whether supporting a point or nursing a sick kitten. Her vision on healthcare needs has been nurtured by 29 years in medicine. She has the broad knowledge, confidence and balanced temperament to take us into the future. Michelle’s practical and thoughtful approach to problem solving is what we need. Michelle’s integrity is something we can count on. Please vote for Michelle Loftus for SJPHD Commission POS 2.

Sharon Boyd

Friday Harbor