Still time to register for earthquake preparedness drill

Shakeout In The San Juan Islands

Submitted by the San Juan County Department of Emergency

Be prepared — it’s the island way.

There are just two weeks until the 2017 Great Washington Shakeout drill on Oct. 19. Join the growing number of islanders, preparing for “the big one,” by signing up for the Shakeout Drill. So far, nearly 1100 people in the islands are involved. This includes two school districts, a daycare, county government, local businesses, and household participants. It’s quick and easy to sign up at

After registration, participants receive Shakeout news and preparedness information, and are counted among those making preparations. The recent hurricanes across the South and the Caribbean have provided plenty of examples of the consequences of natural disasters. Imagine if the San Juan Islands are subjected to the same isolation from supplies that Puerto Rico and other Caribbean islands are currently suffering?

Help prepare your family and community by participating in the Great Washington Shakeout drill. Contact the DEM office at 370-0587 or for more information.