Scott Henry Sears and Tiffany Rose Sears: Cousins born one day apart | Births

The Sears Family is thrilled to announce two new additions to their families: cousins Scott and Tiffany. Scott Henry Sears was born April 28, 2010 to Dennis and Dori Sears. He joined his older brother John, who is 2 1/2. The very next day, Scott’s cousin arrived. Tiffany Rose Sears was born April 29, 2010 to Jerry and Kate Sears. Her older brother, James, will be 3 in July.

The Sears Family is thrilled to announce two new additions to their families: cousins Scott and Tiffany.

Scott Henry Sears was born April 28, 2010 to Dennis and Dori Sears. He joined his older brother John, who is 2 1/2.

The very next day, Scott’s cousin arrived. Tiffany Rose Sears was born April 29, 2010 to Jerry and Kate Sears. Her older brother, James, will be 3 in July.

Grandparents Chris and Peg Hodgkin are especially excited to have a new grandson and their first granddaughter. Great-grandma Sally Bryan is also excited to welcome the new babies.

All the family members are doing well and are happy to be together.