Meet Daisy – Pet of the Week

Submitted by the Animal Protection Society – Friday Harbor

Heya, I’m Daisy! In celebration of this thankful season, in hopes of me getting adopted in time for the wintery holidays ahead, and because I have your ears this week, I wanted to share with all of you a few things currently on my mind:

Although animal shelters are often dealing with overcrowding issues, did you know that the holiday season can actually be a time where shelters experience a decrease in adoptions, yet an increase in animals in need? I’ve personally already spent over a year living in shelters (APS-FH being the newest one to house me), and I am just one of the many animals looking for a home for the holidays.

Although myself and the other animals are so grateful for the staff & volunteers at these places, who take excellent care of us, nothing can replace the feeling of being in a real-life home of our own.

Family has many different meanings, and over our lifetimes, we find ourselves a part of one, or many. I am thankful for the families I have found myself a part of thus far, and for the ones to come. I’m really hoping that my future (forever) family comes, and finds me here at the shelter soon!

It’s my sincere hope for all of us, and our loved ones, to have a holiday season filled with many of our favorite festive things, fun traditions – both old & new, and no shortage of heartwarming moments!

About Daisy

Origin: Oroville, WA

Age: Three years old

Sex: Female

Breed: Pitbull Mix

Weight: 72 lbs

Personality: Social butterfly, dreamer, trendsetter

Energy Level: A balance of playfulness and laid-back vibes

Likes: Funky colors, fall colors, female-fronted bands

Dislikes: Tofu, trigonometry, twitter

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