Clap your hands together

Dance Happy lived up to making you laugh, cry, giggle, aah, ooh la la, smile, wiggle, wow, clap, cheer and be totally inspired. There were more than 60 local island performers, children through adults, ages 2 on up, as they entertained us in their 28th annual celebration of dance and song at Dance Happy.

Bill & Rita Ament’s traditional Dance Happy show did not disappoint this year. Dance Happy lived up to making you laugh, cry, giggle, aah, ooh la la, smile, wiggle, wow, clap, cheer and be totally inspired. There were more than 60 local island performers, children through adults, ages 2 on up, as they entertained us in their 28th annual celebration of dance and song. The crowd went wild with Zumbatomic Kids, giggled with the “Cat & Mousies,” clapped our hands to the Rappin’ Tappers, felt the rhythm of the San Juan Island Stompers, snapped our fingers to the Swing Tappers and got happy with the colorful twirling costumes of the Monarca Mexican Dancers. And who could forget the sequined exotic Belly Dancers and the electrifying Zumba Salsa Dancers.