Author Janet Oakley presents “Tree Soldier: Another Look”, Saturday, at SJI Library

Janet Oakley's award-winning essays and writings have appeared in various magazines, anthologies, and other media including Janet writes and presents historical talks and workshops on 19th century folkways.

— Editor’s note: The date of Oakley’s presentation at the library was listed incorrectly in the the June 27 edition of the Journal.

Meet Bellingham author, Janet Oakley and learn about the fascinating story of Tree Soldier, 7 p.m., at San Juan Island Library.

Oakley’s award-winning essays and writings have appeared in various magazines, anthologies, and other media including Janet writes and presents historical talks and workshops on 19th century folkways.

Tree Soldier, set in 1930s in the North Cascades Mountains of Washington State, is based on her mother’s stories and the personal interviews with members of the Civilian Conservation Corps. Tree Soldier was a Pacific Northwest Writers Association Literary Contest finalist.

This event is co-sponsored by San Juan Island National Historical Park.