Why I am voting no on EMS levy

I am voting NO on the EMS levy because combining FIRE and EMS makes sense for our community.

It’s no surprise that most counties across the country are merged in order to offer the most cost-effective and coordinated emergency care possible. A merger would be especially efficient in a small community such as ours.

Contrary to the impression given by supporters of the EMS levy, the Fire Department is more than qualified to perform the dual role of fire protection and medical emergency response. How do I know? I was a volunteer EMT and firefighter for 22 years, and a fire and PHD commissioner for eight years. I remain passionate about the level of care in our islands.

A good question to ask yourself is what is best for our community? Are the people who want to keep these agencies separate thinking about what’s best for our citizens and the entire community? Or are they making decisions based on political issues?

Committees and advisory groups, experts and you, the voters, have all loudly stated your wish: Combine FIRE and EMS. Our lives are at stake. Let’s not risk them for the sake of political maneuvering.

Rebecca K. Smith

Friday Harbor