I’m probably not the only one saddened by and disgusted by the sudden loss of the old apple trees in Sunken Park.
Granted, the two, left wedged against the ugly building that replaced the Churchill House had stopped producing from being robbed of all their sun, but they were still nice old trees.
The one beneath the gazebo was not only lovely, but provided many with loads of delicious fruit. Why was this done and what became of all the wood?
Our town is rapidly and steadily losing its charm and quaintness. Does anyone like that whale tail statue? How many street trees could we have planted with the money spent on that?
I’m not the only one that thinks the new museum is simply “out of place.”
Many of us remember when the phone company was in the nice old house across from Vic’s, with the beautiful yard and gardens where kids could play, smell flowers and feed the goldfish in the pond, before it was replaced with that ugly cinderblock building.
Then, they pulled up the mortuary with its lovely yard and replaced it with our first “Mall.” It would behoove us to preserve and enhance what we have left.
I doubt many of the tourists we need so badly travel here to be impressed by slick, modern architecture, or tree stumps.
Scott B. Cave/San Juan Island