To the residents of the Town of Friday Harbor:
I would like to address the recent events that occurred during our March 7th meeting of the Town Council of Friday Harbor. I sincerely apologize for allowing my emotions to get the best of me, particularly in my interaction with Mayor Jackson. Regardless of any disagreements, frustrations, or past actions, it was inappropriate for me to react in anger, and for that, I am truly sorry. I disrespected the office of Councilmember, and I betrayed your trust in me. It is with humility that I seek your forgiveness and grace.
You elected me to represent you, and it is my duty to conduct myself with professionalism and respect, and unfortunately, I failed to uphold these standards during the meeting.
It is important to me that you, the residents of our town, have confidence in us, your elected officials, and trust that we are working diligently on your behalf. My actions at the meeting did not reflect the level of decorum and professionalism that I strive to maintain in both my personal and professional lives, and for that lapse in judgment, I am deeply regretful.
I’d like it to be clear that, moving forward, I am committed to conducting myself with the utmost professionalism and respect during council meetings and in all interactions with my fellow council members and the community. I understand the importance of setting a positive example for our town and will work diligently to regain your trust. I’m hopeful for your understanding and continued support.
Thank you,
Mason Turnage Councilmember
Town Council of Friday Harbor