Please stop fighting over EMS

Rant for the ridiculous, petty, politics in our community, over our EMS! Our fellow friends and family… that at a moment’s notice/page… jump into their ambulance and head out to help us in our moments of need. Often our worst moments in our lives… no questions, no judgments… but with a whole lot of heart and compassion! Not to mention their skills… their equipment… their knowledge…. They always bring their hearts!!!!!

They’re not in it to make money. They’re in it because they love it, and all the good that comes with providing a crucial service to our island community!!! They need the levy to be approved to continue their exemplary care of all of us, in our moments of need. Of course, there should be a price for that service!

Maybe instead of worrying about who gets paid what… one should look at their incredible skills… and their response times? Or maybe their “saves”? How many technical rescues are done during the Summer months… which often utilizes special training they can do and practice.

I dislike the politics of it all. You don’t have to ask me twice to vote YES for EMS!!!

I know that when I need them, or my friends or my family…. They will be there fast, with all the possible skills and knowledge and experience. As well as the best life-saving equipment they can get their hands on, thanks to the help of our levy, and taxes.

They are definitely not in a profit-making business. They are in the business of helping their community and those around it. Unfortunately, it costs money for that… to keep up their training, their equipment, and to get new people trained.

In these times, when everything seems to be falling apart…. I hate to see our wonderful community pull itself apart over this.

Cher Renke-VanHoecke

Friday Harbor