Opposed to more Navy flights

As I sit here in Anacortes writing you this letter, I can hear a Navy fighter plane roaring directly over my house. It is NOT a pleasant sound but one I hear at almost any time of day or night since moving here from Cattle Point the first of the year. I can only imagine how noisy it will be with flights more than doubled!

As I sit here in Anacortes writing you this letter, I can hear a Navy fighter plane roaring directly over my house.

It is NOT a pleasant sound but one I hear at almost any time of day or night since moving here from Cattle Point the first of the year. I can only imagine how noisy it will be with flights more than doubled!

The need to fly over centers of population escapes me entirely. I, too, believe such flights can serve the same purpose when conducted over the open ocean. I also wonder about the role of fighter planes in any future confrontation. It seems to me that any aggressive actions taken will involve missiles, not fighter planes. But, then, I’m no military expert by any stretch of the imagination.

I can only suggest that all alternatives be thoroughly examined before subjecting us to the increased noise accompanying such over flights.

Yours for a quiet life,

David T. Hoopes