A ‘Yes’ vote for Prop.1, a ‘No’ on EMS, for now… here’s why | Letters

In the past several days I have received mailings in support of the EMS levy and County Proposition 1. The difference between them is stark and telling.

In the past several days I have received mailings in support of the EMS levy and County Proposition 1.

The difference between them is stark and telling.

The EMS levy mailing simply says to “Vote Yes Now!”, EMS needs your help. There is no information at all abut why they need our help, or where the money will go. It’s simply “we need money. Trust us.”

Well, I certainly trust the EMS service with my health in an emergency. But with my money, they haven’t made a case. It’s no vote, at least for now.

The Proposition 1 mailing, on the other hand, lists exactly where the money will go. I can see for myself what my vote will buy and what I will be supporting.

And what I will be supporting are valuable programs that our community needs and deserves.

They have explained and justified their request, and deserve (and will get) my vote.

Christopher Hodgkin/San Juan Island