Brandli support | Letter

We first met the Brandlis when we had moved to the island and were touring day cares. It was on our final stop that we met Ro. He walked right up to Henry and began to play with him right away. They became fast friends. A couple of days later when I was picking Henry up, another couple came to pick up their child. I was surprised to see that a white couple was picking up their African American child. We learned that they were foster parents and had Ro with them since he was an infant. It was because of the Brandlis that we decided to become foster parents.

BJ and Steve were asked to adopt Ro. Instead they chose to work with a family who Ro could more easily identify with. I know what some people might think, how could they “give away” the child that they raised? It was simple, Steve and his wife knew that Ro’s life and his future was more important than what they needed for themselves.

Soon after we brought home our first foster child. She was really shy, nervous and scared. That week, I took her out for lunch. Steve was there sitting with his wife having lunch. I said “hi,” and introduced our foster daughter and she literally dove out of my arms and right into Steve’s lap. They loved each other. Over the years we have had two legal issues and Steve was always the first one we would call. What I liked best about him was that even though we was a friend he was very professional and realistic with us. He delivered information in such a calm way that, even if the news was bad, we felt safe and trusted the choices he made.

Sara Jensen

Friday Harbor