Time to sign up to volunteer for the Friday Harbor Film Festival

Submitted by the Friday Harbor Film Festival.

You can be an integral part of this year’s In-Theatre Festival running Oct. 26 – 30 at the Palace Theatre, the San Juan Community Theatre, and at the SJI Grange. The committed help of many, many film-loving volunteers is vital to presenting the festival.

If you can help, come into the FHFF office from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. starting Monday, Oct.16. Or sign up on line, as is outline below.

Your time and energy make all the difference! How much time jobs require varies from a few hours to a few days in October. Help is needed working in the FHFF Office, at the Gala, and at all film venues.

There are opportunities for those who love working with the public, those who prefer handling office and set-up projects, and those creative people who enjoy decorating. Do you like handling tech equipment? Projectionists who show the documentaries are needed and will receive training.

Your contribution will be recognized by several benefits:

Training, support, and appreciation

FHFF logo wear – t-shirt and hat with the brand new 2024 FHFF Logo

Volunteer hours earn film tickets for In-Theatre & On-Demand Festivals

Lead volunteers receive an All Access Passport providing entry to all films & events, including

the Gala.

An invitation to the Volunteer Appreciation Bash

To view all the possibilities, dates and times needed, and to volunteer, go to the website, fhff.org/volunteer and click “VIEW OPPORTUNITIES" on an area of interest. Then choose the specific location you prefer and time-slot when you would like to volunteer.

Be part of the special group of friends and neighbors who devote time and energy to this event. Without the efforts of this extremely committed group of islanders the festival could not happen. Please join us!