This month in history

In honor of local history month, here are a few items that made the local papers over the last 130 years:

San Juan Islander May 19, 1898

Ice was for sale at Foules Green Forest.

The steamer the Beaver was in port.

The Islander’s WAR NOTES reported President William McKinney called for an additional 100,000 volunteers for the Spanish-American War.

San Jan Islander: May 31, 1912

Mrs. W.H. Handley of Victoria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sandwith of San Juan County, was credited by the Victoria paper with the detection and arrest of a burglar named Glazebook.”The man, dressed well, is quite gentlemanly looking and posed as a real estate agent. He at first denied his guilt, but broke down and confessed when confronted by Mrs. Handley. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment.”

The Journal of the San Juan Islands: May 6, 1992

OPALCO discovered a 69-kilovolt cable running from Lopez to San Juan Island was leaking insulation oil, a lightweight oil similar to kerosene, into San Juan Channel. The cable was 15,900 long, and un depths of 270 feet beneath the water. A mini-submarine was used to locate the exact location of the leak and it was repaired.

Friday Harbor Elementary School students raised enough money through a read-a-thon to preserve 140 acres of Paraguayan rainforest.