Telling the darndest tales: Spring Street middle schoolers

This debut collection of stories has been praised as adventurous and frank, and lays blame for whatever consequences and mayhem that might occur squarely at the feet of those who would attempt to hide cookies atop a refrigerator.

Pssst… parents? Would you like to know what your middle schooler really thinks? A loaded question, for sure.

But if you do, here’s your chance. It’s entitled “Back When Back Then”, and it binds together a first-ever compilation of tell-all autobiographies by the middle schoolers of Spring Street International School. Featuring a collection of stories with contributions by 25 authors, the book has been described by critics as, “slim but piercingly honest.”

Published in limited edition, copies of “Back When Back Then” will be available to the general public beginning Saturday, April 14, at Griffin Bay Bookstore. Griffin Bay will host a book-release celebration event for the middle school authors the evening before, on Friday, beginning at 7 p.m.

This debut collection of stories has been praised as adventurous and frank, and lays blame for whatever consequences and mayhem that might occur squarely at the feet of those who would attempt to hide cookies atop a refrigerator.

“Social anthropologists, lovers of poetry, sheep wranglers, rocket surgeons, people who have flying dreams, and anybody who was ever a kid, will swoon before the literary riches of this brilliantly crafted debut,” Griffin Bay’s Nancy Larsen, events coordinator, said.

Spring Street’s Louis O’ Prussack, headmaster, adds, “I laughed, I cried, I blew my nose.”

For info, 378-5511,;