Get ready to party like it’s 1865

Dancing, tree-trimming, cookie potluck, and more, at NPS annual ‘Holiday Social’, Dec. 8, at English Camp

San Juan Island National Historical Park annual old-fashioned Holiday Social, tree-trimming and cookie potluck is noon to 3 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 8, at English Camp.

Visitors are invited to bring holiday cookies and ornaments to hang on the tree, which will be erected in the old British Royal Marine Light Infantry barracks building — just as it was done — most likely — in the mid-1860s, when the camp was in its heyday.

Recipient of the Historical Park’s 2012 Volunteer of the Year award will be announced, and a recognition of park volunteers, at 2 p.m. Admission is free.

The park will provide beverages, two crackling fires to warm the bones and entertainment to include staff and volunteer re-enactors in period uniforms and dress, storytelling and contra dancing with “Pig War.”

The San Juan Carolers also plan to drop by for a few songs. A motorized golf cart is available to provide transportation from English Camp parking area to the barracks for those with accessibility needs. Info, 378-2240, ext. 2233.