Friday Harbor thespian Troupe 8244 actors will compete on state and national levels

Submitted by Troupe 8244.

The Friday Harbor Thespian Troupe is very proud to announce that Troupe 8244 had a very successful outing to the regional Thespy event on Saturday, Jan. 14. Seniors Sidney Herda, Lucy Marinkovich, and Shelby Mullin, Junior Benji Evered, Sophomores Kira Clark, Vincent Sanders, and Jax Heath and Freshman Alison Power traveled to Olympia to perform for adjudicators and meet with high school theatre students from around the region. Our students had a great time touring the Capital High School facility, networking with students from other troupes and cheering each other on as they presented songs and monologues to fellow students and the adjudicators.

We congratulate all of our participants and are thrilled to announce that Sidney Herda, Shelby Mullin, Lucy Marinkovich and Alison Power all scored Excellents on their solos, monologues, scene and duet and will be honored at the State Thespian Festival in March and Alison Power also scored a Superior for her solo and has qualified to continue to the Nationals in Bloomington IN in June.

Contributed photo by Lindsey Saarie
Contributed photo by Lindsey Saarie