Bench at Shipyard to remember Arnie and John Bentzen

Submitted by The Friday Harbor Sailing Club

A project to install two benches honoring John and Arne Benzen Shipyard Cove has begun. The brothers are two of the clubs founding members and lead the club in all aspects of owning and sailing boats. Their names grace numerous club trophies. John and Arne are two of the best.

Arne was also the long-serving harbormaster at Shipyard Cove. Some would also call him a local poet, speaking in brief sentences loaded with meaning.

The two benches will cost around $3000. Community members may bring a donation to the next club meeting, or mail to the Friday Harbor Sailing Club at P.O. Box 62, Friday Harbor Washington, 98250.

Contributed photo 
Arne Bentzen

Contributed photo Arne Bentzen