Activity abuzz at FH Fly-In No. 4

With more than 58,000 take-offs and landings a year Friday Harbor Airport remains one of the busiest in Washington state.

Friday Harbor Airport is abuzz in business.

With more than 58,000 take-offs and landings a year Friday Harbor Airport remains one of the busiest in Washington state. It’s home to three commercial airlines, a host of chartered aircraft, a fixed-wing ambulance service, dozens of local pilots, a museum dedicated to local aviation and much more.

But for a day, business matters will take a backseat as the Port of Friday Harbor rolls out the welcome mat for the airport’s 4th Annual Fly-In & Open House, this Saturday. The event, which features a host of flight-related activities, begins with a pancake breakfast, 8-10 a.m., and runs until 3 p.m., and admission is free. So is transporation to and from the event onboard a shuttle van, from downtown and designated parking lots at Airport Circle Drive, Peace Island Medical Center (eastside) and the former Mark n’ Pak.

Here’s some of what you can expect to see: rare warbirds and vintage aircraft fly-bys, formation aerials by the locally renowned Blackjack Squadron and a search-and-rescue helicopter on display. Activities include face-painting and balsa-wood flying competitions for kids, and drawings for a free ride on an antique biplane or WWII trainer. Representatives of various local aviation and civic groups will also be on hand.

In addition to the pancake breakfast, vendors at the event will offer a variety of food.

At this event, the sky truly is the limit.