Transparency in Fire Commission meetings | Letter

On Jan. 22, at 1 p.m., the SJI Fire District 3 Commissioners held a special meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to continue discussion on the proposed contract for the position of Fire Chief. The agenda indicated the discussion was to be held in executive session. We attended the meeting and we expected the executive session to yield no information for the public as has been the case for several years.

We were thrilled when the Commission announced they would conduct the contract discussion in open session. We were able to witness the back and forth dialogue among the Commissioners, hear all the questions, and watch deliberations unfold in a completely transparent manner. It was so refreshing and open and understandable. Everyone who attended the meeting spoke with us afterward and exclaimed “Finally!” and “This was so great” and “I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time.”

We thank the Fire Commissioners of District 3 for doing the right thing. You have restored some of the trust that was lost. Well done. And congratulations to Chief Monin for his appointment, and for his strength and courage in allowing his contract to be an open book. Well done.

Harry and Maureen See,

San Juan Island