Yes to School Levy, yes to fully funding schools | Letters

The San Juan Island School District is asking us, as a community, to renew the existing Capital Projects and Technology Levy for another four years. This request continues an existing mechanism for funding our schools and is not a “new tax”. The district’s request is not only reasonable but critical to the success of our educational system. I urge our community to vote YES on Feb. 13.

I do not have children in our schools, but I believe that fully funding our schools is the cornerstone to a thriving community. There are very few ways for people to “get ahead” as the cost of living rises, and education of all kinds has always been the surest means of doing so.

Education does not necessarily mean training students to go off to college — our school district also works with local organizations towards more local trades education, which is desperately needed. Giving our students the facilities, technology, and programs they need to have better jobs with a living wage is the best way to ensure that the next generation can also afford to live in the community we love. We are all better off when our schools are the best they can be.

Please join me in voting YES on the School District’s Capital Projects and Technology Levy on Feb. 13th!

Mark Madsen

San Juan Island