Strive for improvement, vote Peter | Letter

Ron Krebs doesn’t get it. He states that Animal Control Officer training is unnecessary because of the lack of animal abuse call data to support it. He completely misses the point; it’s about preparation. If we were to apply his logic to school safety, schools wouldn’t hold annual active shooter drills until after several shootings had occurred.

Ron Krebs doesn’t get it. During the October LWV debate, Ron Krebs said he hires the best people and trusts them to do their jobs. This sounds magnanimous but is in fact a red flag, indicative of professional immaturity at best, laxity at worst. Patrick Lencioni, in his latest work, “The Motive,” clarifies as follows, “Of course, this is inane. Managing someone is not a punitive activity nor a sign of distrust. And it doesn’t change based on a person’s seniority or tenure. Management is the act of aligning people’s actions, behaviors, and attitudes with the needs of the organization and making sure that little problems don’t become big ones. Avoiding this is nothing but negligence.”

We are an educated public and hunger for committed, hardworking leaders who understand leadership as a verb; it’s the doing of all responsibilities a leader owns, including the difficult and unpleasant, not just what feel easy or comfortable, to constantly strive for improvement and achievement of the goals of the organization. I believe Eric Peter embodies this ethos. Please join me in voting for Eric Peter for Sheriff.

Cynthia McVeigh,

San Juan Island