Pro-Israeli perspective lacking in ‘Islanders speak out on Middle East’ | Letter

Editors note: The event was titled “Peace March” by organizers on Facebook.

The Journal, in its ¾ page display, certainly gave those supporting Israel, and the countless members of the Jewish Faith on our island a hit in the heart.

That’s almost the largest exposure on the cover ever of misinformation and bias and semitism, second only to the fire downtown.

By putting the posters of “hate” on our cover simply baffles me by the usually pro-community paper.

Where did you coin the word, “Peace March”?

When you wave Palestinian flags downtown and insult our Jewish Population by accusing them of Genocide that is no “peace march” but you somehow created an event much like Library week.

It is antisemitism and makes people afraid.

There is no mention from any of the protestors of the word peace, merely the pushing of the “Israeli people to the sea chants” meaning that they indeed favor the “Genocide” of the Israeli people.

Thank you for mustering the anti-Israeli protestors to come to our Island, as to the time and places to come here to get headlines, of course, “in the name of peace”.

Your narrow interview gave the validity of two anti-Israel comments, you interviewed the “Token Jew”, to try and prove Jews are in favor of letting Hamas perform genocide on Israel, and of course the token “Trans”, not sure just what credence that had to do with anything as the Hamas Government does not allow that freedom.

You and your paper just substantiated the Lie that “My tax dollars are being used to fund Genocide”.

Oh, that’s right, your fair and unbalanced reporting came, way in the back three pages later your quotes did say there were two people in support…no interview, no questions, nothing.

Norris Palmer,

San Juan Island