Bogert would appreciate your vote for OPALCO board

OPALCO is the only organization in the country that holds its annual meeting on a public ferry! Why? In order to give all the members of this unique, member-owned cooperative a chance to express their concerns and views to the management and the Board of Directors in a local, easy-to-access forum.

OPALCO is the only organization in the country that holds its annual meeting on a public ferry! Why? In order to give all the members of this unique, member-owned cooperative a chance to express their concerns and views to the management and the Board of Directors in a local, easy-to-access forum.

This, combined with the fact that OPALCO provides its members with reliable, low-cost electric service, says a lot about the organization.

The electric industry in the U.S. is facing many challenges given the current economy and environmental concerns. OPALCO responds to these challenges with foresight and innovation. Your local utility has had a long tradition of reliability and service, always keeping the interests of its members and the community a primary concern.

You, the members and owners of OPALCO, have the opportunity this month to vote for the Board of Directors that will continue to set the long-term direction and focus for our cooperative.

I am running in this election to retain my position on the board. I currently serve the board as secretary/treasurer and am dedicated to the OPALCO tradition of reliable, safe, low-cost electric service. I am a long-time member of the Shaw Island community and have served on the Shaw Inc. Board of Directors since 2006. I hold degrees in electrical engineering from Princeton University and a master’s degree in electric power engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and have extensive experience in the electric industry.

I am also a National Rural Electric Cooperative Association credentialed cooperative director.

I would like to continue to serve the board and the community with my expertise in the electric industry and a personal focus on conservation and energy efficiency.

Ballots for the coming election are in the mail and may be returned to OPALCO prior to April 30 with your vote or, if you plan on attending our annual meeting on May 1, you may vote in person on the ferry.

I would appreciate your support.

John Bogert, member
OPALCO Board of Directors
District 4 (Shaw, Bell, Canoe and Crane islands)