Nurse tree

By Teresa Smith,

Journal contributor.

I was walking in the woods yesterday and noticed a little tree- hemlock I think, growing out of a crumbling stump. It reminded me of how life cycles around and around. A tree lives in the forest for hundreds of years. Dies, and then creates a home for zillions of microbes, fungus, mushrooms, birds, animals, and all kinds of tiny things. The stump, as it decomposes becomes a nursery for seeds to sprout and grow. A seed is released from a hemlock nearby, then carried by the wind, it softly lands onto the stump. It nestles in and makes itself at home, soon sprouting leaves. Nurtured by rain and worms, and a plethora of nutrients, it grows.

I am reflecting on how this relates to me. What is my life cycle? My purpose? How do I nurture and add to the world in my own way? Just like the cedar tree – living in the forest contributing to the life energy and community. Tree as home for birds and other creatures. Provider of shade, preserving moisture, erosion prevention, and windbreak. All the things the cedar gives.

And all the things cedar receives. Community, love, and protection. It is obvious how a life cycle of the tree is paramount to the community around it. It is easy for a cedar tree to automatically realize its purpose. Not so easy for me as a human. There are so many distractions. Trust in the practice of living life fully, they say. Without worry, frustration, or feelings of lack. Maybe that is the answer. If only life was simple, clear and obvious like it is for the tree.

How can I make a difference? How can I contribute and nurture? If I truly tap into my life purpose and my contributing to society this is how I may give back as a nurse tree. Not just society, but animals, trees, and the natural world. It is never about- what I can get? What I can keep. What can I covet? It is a circle, a cycle. An idea comes in. It is always correct when it wafts into my mind as I walk through the woods. I have learned not to second guess the words of wisdom from the forest. This is how I may become the mother cedar tree giving life to a sapling hemlock. If I inspire another, say a nice thing, smile, offer love and encouragement, befriend, listen to, or support another, this is me offering – my gift to the world. If I give a horse a home, love, and nurture all the animals in my life. My garden, my friends, and my family. If I work and offer paintings that bring color and joy. If I write a story that brings a smile. Maybe a small thing I do or say as I listen in the woods can provide inspiration, hope, feelings of love, or even a reason for being. How about an offering of grace? Believing in a moment in time. This moment in time. I listen. I send out an intention. I ask for guidance that I may gracefully and humbly offer.

Like the cedar tree, today, I follow the inspiration of the natural world. Like the cedar tree, I hold space, nurture, love and most importantly I offer grace.

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