For the Record | Corrections and Clarifications

— “Caring for Our Natural Resources,” a special section produced by the San Juan Nature Institute and the San Juan County Marine Resources Committee, is included in mail subscriber copies of this week’s Jourtnal.

— “Caring for Our Natural Resources,” a special section produced by the San Juan Nature Institute and the San Juan County Marine Resources Committee, is included in mail subscriber copies of this week’s Journal.

It was included in last week’s newsrack and store copies, but was mistakenly left out of last week’s mail subscription copies.

— State Senate candidate Kevin Ranker of San Juan Island has been nominated by precinct committee officers in the 40th District Democratic Party, making him the official nominee of the district Democratic Party under state party rules.

Those rules were adopted by the state party after the court upheld the top two primary, in which the top two vote-getters in the primary regardless of party advance to the general election. The nomination enables the party to focus its resources on a preferred candidate, but it doesn’t preclude other Democrats from running.

Ranker’s nomination was reported as an endorsement in earlier Journal news reports.

— Accuracy and fairness are fundamental to good journalism. If you believe we have erred, call Editor Richard Walker at 378-5696, or e-mail to