Trail maintenance workshop this Saturday

Topics include: trail maintenance and hand tool basics, how to keep trails sustainable by preserving the tread and keeping water off and users on, learning about the impact on trails through natural forces and multiple use groups, and multiple use trail standards and courtesies.

Meet at English Camp Parking Lot for a day of trail maintenance for the Trail Maintenance Unplugged Workshop and Workday Oct. 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Meet at 3905 West Valley Road, at 8:45 A.M. Do not park at the trailhead, a shuttle will be provided.

Topics include: trail maintenance and hand tool basics, how to keep trails sustainable by preserving the tread and keeping water off and users on, learning about the impact on trails through natural forces and multiple use groups, and multiple use trail standards and courtesies.

What to bring: water, lunch, work gloves and sturdy work boots. NPS will provide hand tools. Please no battery operated tools.

Space is limited to 25 participants, please RSVP by Sept. 30. For more information call Raena Parsons at 378-2240 ext. 2222 or at