‘Remember the Rendezvous’, SJ tradition revived

The San Juan "Rendezvous" first got its start in 1948, as a homecoming of sorts and sponsored at that time by the Chamber of Commerce, and ran through the early '80s. It proved an instant hit.

Once upon a time, islanders gathered by the hundreds—sometimes by the thousands—on the Friday Harbor waterfront to celebrate and enjoy the waning days of the summer season, and to show off the delights of San Juan Island to family, friends and visitors, with a king-sized feast of barbecued salmon and with a long, varied list of activities and entertainment, like music, dancing, log-rolling contest and row boat races, and even water-skiing.

Actually, it wasn’t just once upon a time, the San Juan “Rendezvous” first got its start in 1948, as a homecoming of sorts and sponsored at that time by the Chamber of Commerce, and ran through the early ’80s. It proved an instant hit.

In fact, according to newspaper reports of the day, as many as 2,500 people attended the 1950 Renedzvous and as much as 1,500 pounds of salmon came off the grill. That year the U.S. Navy sent a destroyer escort, the “Grady,” to add to the festivities.

The San Juan Island Lions Club, a former event sponsor, is resurrecting that beloved tradition by staging a Renedzvous-like happening of its own, Saturday, Sept. 13, at the Friday Harbor fairgrounds, 3-7 p.m., featuring a salmon barbecue, music by the Argyle Street Jazz Band, and live and silent auction. Tickets, $20, are limited to 250, and proceeds from the event will benefit various Lions Club-sponsored projects, programs and charities. Tickets will be available for purchase at the door on the day of the event.