Planning process for Westcott Bay, Mitchell Hill unveiled

Learn about the process for planning for the future of National Parks Service property at Westcott Bay and Mitchell Hill, July 31, at Brickworks. It's a chance to offer your thoughts about the future of these two places as well.

The National Parks Service is offering an opportunity learn about the planning process for Mitchell Hill and Westcott Bay as part of a public meeting in Friday Harbor, July 31, at Brickworks, 120 Nichols Street, 5-7 p.m.

The public meeting also offers islanders an opportunity to comment on the future of these two additions to San Juan Island National Historical Park’s English Camp as well.

But that’s not all. The Parks Service is also seeking input from horseback riders and bicyclists regarding future use of Mitchell Hill trails at a pair of back-to-back meetings, July 23 and July 24, at Brickworks, 5-7 p.m.