Former SPD chief Norm Stamper to speak in Friday Harbor

Stamper, author of "Breaking Ranks and Huffington Post contributor, will air his concerns about the growing "militarization" of police forces, and on other topics as well.

Former Seattle Chief of Police Norm Stamper is concerned about “the militarization of police forces,” calling the provision of military equipment and training to police a “counterproductive response to 9/11.”

Stamper will elaborate on those concerns Sunday, March 25, at a forum titled “Paramilitary Policing: From Seattle WTO to Occupy Wall Street,” sponsored by the San Juan Island Progressive Action Network.

The author of “Breaking Ranks” and contributor to the Huffington Post will also take questions on other subjects, such as the controversial U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) “Secure Communities Act” program and his position calling for an end to the War on Drugs and the abolition of capital punishment.

The event is free and all islanders are invited. It begins at 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., at Skagit Valley College in Friday Harbor, 221 Weber Way. Refreshments will be available.

For more info, 378-2648.