Fish for Teeth taco team is back

Submitted by Fish for Teeth

The Fish for Teeth taco team is back and gearing up for a total taco attack in the Brickworks Plaza on Thursday, Nov. 16 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. A $9 donation lands a classic Fish for Teeth “Fish Taco” (actually a burrito), that’s loaded with sustainably harvested Washington coastal rockfish, Tillamook cheese, premium salsa, fresh greens and topped off with a zesty squeeze of lime!

We’re excited to be at Brickworks and greatly appreciate the donation of the space. The Taco Team consists of a core group of loyal Fish for Teeth volunteers and is supplemented by a team of Kiwanis members. These fundraising events would not happen without the loyal and fun-loving support of the Kiwanis team. Kiwanis does so much for our community—thank you, Kiwanis!

Fish for Teeth is raising funds to support a new plan to re-invent San Juan Island’s solution for those who cannot afford dental care. We hope to begin fixing teeth in January, and we’re working towards satisfying our funding needs to make that happen. Fish for Teeth is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that is funded solely by serving fish tacos and direct donations from the generosity of our community.

If you are interested in helping with this or future Fish Taco fundraising events, or with Fish for Teeth in any way, send us an email at If you’d like to donate to support our mission of healthy teeth on San Juan Island, go to our website at