Ferry Home Companion: Where have all the babies gone? | Column

After having a Baby Derby in the Journal for nearly 30 years we've come to a new record… with 31 days in January, and checking with all the local hospitals, we have yet to know who will be crowned the 2015 Baby Derby winner in San Juan County.

I used to think babies came with the flow.

Not this year.

After having a Baby Derby in the Journal for nearly 30 years we’ve come to a new record… with 31 days in January, and checking with all the local hospitals, we have yet to know who will be crowned the 2015 Baby Derby winner in San Juan County.

What’s going on around here? (Or should I ask, “What wasn’t going on this past March?”)

As we write, we’re on the deadline for January’s customary Baby Derby Winner in San Juan County. Back in the 90s, we averaged about 10 contenders in the month of January. We even had five born on one memorable New Year’s Day!

The stakes have doubled since then (now there’s over $600 in value in our so-called “baby booty,” a collection of family friendly donations provided by 23 island businesses and local merchants).

The weddings have certainly kept pace.Baby derby

Even the ferries haven’t helped out. I can think of at least five babies born on the ferries during my 35 years on the islands (I hope the reservation systems will help).

One thing is for sure. We will breathe a deep sigh of relief, as will the birthing corridors at St. Joseph’s, Skagit Valley, Islanders and Peace Health, with whom we check each day, since our potential derby winners lined up at the starting gate New Year’s Eve.

Be reassured… it will still be a winner even if it comes in February, God bless it!

Go with the F.L.O.W. (Ferry Lovers Of Washington)