Broken, battered, but back where they belong

"At approximately 2 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 24, somebody came in our yard, broke a fence, dragged the Cow and Pig to the road and took them, and vandalized our mailboxes."

Snatched from their pasture on Roche Harbor Road in the wee hours of Saturday morning, the fiberglass cow and pig that have long delighted passersby with seasonal, holiday and clever displays, ended up back home later that night battered, bruised, broken and most certainly worse for wear.

What follows is a description by Steve and Laurie, caretakers of the property where Cow and Pig reside, of that day’s events:

— To all fans of the Cow and Pig on Roche Harbor Road who are concerned about them being stolen; this is what happened:

At approximately 2 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 24, somebody came in our yard, broke a fence, dragged the Cow and Pig to the road and took them, and vandalized our mailboxes.

We did not hear this happen, but were awakened at about 3 a.m. by a sheriff’s car driving in our driveway. He (deputy) had found the Cow and Pig just up the road all broken up and very damaged. They both will require a lot of repair work (is there a fiberglass repair person out there? We are interested in your expertise).

We put out the word that they were stolen to, hopefully, flush out the guilty person/s, but want all the Cow and Pig fans out there to know that we have them back, and will be working on their repair.

This all may have started out as a prank to someone, but the fact is they did damage to this property, the Cow and Pig, and their prank, whatever it was could have caused an awful accident if someone had swerved to miss the Cow and Pig parts all over the road. Not cool. We do feel violated.

Another thanks to the San Juan County Sheriff’s Department for finding and returning the Cow and Pig, and definitely, thanks to all the folks who have responded with helpful info ad support on Facebook, e-mails, phone calls and in person.

Cow and Pig have some wonderful friends out there. We appreciate you.

Steve & Laurie, caretakers of The Cow and Pig

— Editor’s note: As of Tuesday, Sheriff Rob Nou said that the department has no leads on a suspect in the heifer and hog heist, but would welcome any.

“It’s really aggravating,” Nou said. “This kind of senseless vandalism is not consistent with the mores of this community. We certainly would like information about the culprit.”

The business telephone number of the Sheriff’s Department is 378-4151.