40th District Democrats oppose I-1033, endorse R-71

The 40th Legislative District Democrats have endorsed Referendum 71 and formally opposed Initiative 1033 on Tuesday’s ballot. The Democrats met Oct. 10 in the San Juan Island Grange in Friday Harbor. State Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Anacortes, attended, speaking about the state budget, bills he’s co-sponsored and bills that are becoming law.

The 40th Legislative District Democrats have endorsed Referendum 71 and formally opposed Initiative 1033 on Tuesday’s ballot.

The Democrats met Oct. 10 in the San Juan Island Grange in Friday Harbor. State Sen. Kevin Ranker, D-Anacortes, attended, speaking about the state budget, bills he’s co-sponsored and bills that are becoming law.

The Democrats discussed Referendum 71, which seeks to expand domestic partnership rights for gay and lesbian families, as well as senior citizen couples. They voted unanimously to endorse it.

They also unanimously voted no on Initiative 1033, which would limit growth of certain state, county and city revenue to annual inflation and population growth, not including voter-approved revenue increases. Revenue collected above the limit would reduce property tax levies.