11 islanders elected delegates to state Republican Party convention

Eleven islanders were elected delegates or alternate delegates to the state Republican Convention June 10-12 in Vancouver. They were elected at the San Juan County Republican Convention, March 28.

Eleven islanders were elected delegates or alternate delegates to the state Republican Convention June 10-12 in Vancouver. They were elected at the San Juan County Republican Convention, March 27.

Permanent delegates: Cindy Carter, chairwoman; Dave Vandaveer, state committeeman; Rebecca Johnson, state committeewoman.

Elected delegates: JB McGuire, Orcas Island; April Duke, Orcas Island; Spencer Clark, Orcas Island; Mike Nachlinger, Friday Harbor.

Elected alternates: Vicki Johnson, Orcas Island; Jim Deuel, Orcas Island; Ralph Gutschmidt, Orcas Island; Daniel Miller, Friday Harbor.

The delegates will take with them the platform adopted at the county convention.

We reaffirm the words of our founding fathers embodied in the U. S. Constitution and in the Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights: that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed …”

1. Limited Government: As our founding Fathers recognized, restraint of government is necessary to protect the liberties of the people. All members (of a body) should read and understand bills they are voting on. If they don’t read or understand, they should vote no.

2. Fiscal Responsibility: Government at all levels must learn to live within its means. To saddle future generations with the crushing burden of our excess spending is unconscionable.

3. Personal Responsibility: Liberty is unsustainable without responsibility. Each citizen must take responsibility for the consequences of his or her own actions while respecting the rights and dignity of others.

4. The Rule of Law: Consistent, independent and uniform application of the law is critical to a free and prosperous society.

5. National Sovereignty: We must maintain a strong national defense, effective security for our borders, and sole control over our land and laws.