
LUMIGEN Light Therapy Reviews (Mizmuse) Does It Work? [Updated]

The beauty industry is worth over a billion dollars. From skin care products and beauty content to makeup and surgeries, corporations always want to sell you something that will make your skin look smoother, healthier, and younger. It, therefore, becomes challenging to choose what product to use. Most women experiment with products and skin regimen until they find what works. As a result, they end up with more skin issues.

Fortunately, technology has a solution. LED light therapy uses different wavelengths of light to treat skin conditions—the main types of light used in this treatment and red and blue light. Red light therapy utilizes low-wavelength light to remove acne and wrinkles. If you are looking for an efficient, at-home skincare tool that uses light therapy, look no further than LUMIGEN. This tool utilizes both blue and red light to treat skin conditions and reduce signs of aging.

Benefits of LUMIGEN

LUMIGEN keeps your skin healthy and youthful. Collagen and elastin are proteins in the connective tissues responsible for the skin’s firmness and elasticity. Red light from LUMIGEN helps boost the production of these proteins, making your skin fuller, firmer and wrinkle-free.

This device treats acne and other skin issues. LUMIGEN uses blue light to eliminate harmful bacteria, a common cause of acne and breakouts. Its blue light deeply penetrates the skin pores and clears acne. This treatment also hinders future breakouts.

It promotes skin healing and reduces inflammation. This tool boosts blood circulation and increases blood flow to your damaged tissues. As a result, it accelerates the skin healing process and minimizes inflammation.

LUMIGEN is lightweight and portable. If you plan on traveling, you can carry this tool with you as it is compact, rechargeable, and easy to carry.

This skincare tool is fit for all skin types. Unlike other skincare creams and products, you do not need to worry about this tool not working on your skin type. Whether your skin is oily, dry, or normal, LUMIGEN will help keep it healthy.

It has customizable settings. LUMIGEN allows you to adjust the temperature and massage settings. In the temperature settings, you can either pick cold or warm therapy. Cold therapy helps shrink pores and enhance skin firmness and elasticity. You can change the settings to warmth to stimulate blood flow and supply your skin cells with adequate nutrients and oxygen.

The massage settings let you adjust to a high-frequency vibration that gently massages your skin to release tension. The gentle massage also helps remove toxins, reduce puffiness and make your skin glow.

LUMIGEN is clinically approved and safe for use. Unlike UVB and UVA rays, LUMIGEN’s light therapy does not irritate or damage the skin.

How to use LUMIGEN

For maximum results, use LUMIGEN at least three days a week for 5-10 minutes each session. Use the device after cleansing your face and before using a moisturizer or serum. Also, ensure that you properly dry your face after washing it and before using this tool. Applying a hydrating serum while using this LUMIGEN will help it easily slide across your skin and minimize pulling. You can use this skincare tool on both your face and body. However, ensure that it does not touch your eyes and other areas with sensitive skin. Avoid using it for more than fifteen minutes daily and follow LUMIGEN’s instructions on using this tool.



Skincare can get expensive, especially when searching for the best product for your skin. LUMIGEN saves you the high costs and hassle of finding a suitable product and the time wasted on ineffective skincare routines. You no longer need to purchase multiple creams, serums, and oils to fight acne or wrinkle. LUMIGEN offers the solutions to all your skin concerns in one tool. Visit LUMIGEN’s official site today and get one of these highly rated and functional skincare tools.


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