Join Bill and Rita Ament and more than 60 island performers, ages 2 through adult, as they entertain you in their 23rd annual celebration of dance and song June 14, 7 p.m., in the San Juan Community Theatre.
Dr. Annette Blaugrund, director of the National Academy Museum and School of Fine Arts in New York, will meet with trustees of the Westcott Bay Institute and the Visual Arts Museum June 14 to discuss issues related to creating an accredited art museum on San Juan Island.
The meeting will be held 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the San Juan Island Library conference room.
San Juan Island artists throw open their studio doors for all to come in and see this weekend in the 17th annual Artists’ Studio Tour.
The event is Saturday and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eleven featured artists will invite in not just the public, but also 16 other local artists who will show their work in the featured artists’ galleries.
The best are back to raise money for science education.
Jazz at the Labs will sell out again, you can bet on it. Last year, people packed the U.W. Friday Harbor Labs dining hall to listen to a bunch of guys from the Seattle music scene who have been playing together in various incarnations for years.
Twenty-six teams have signed up for Relay for Life, the local fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The goal is 35 teams. The event is July 25, 5:30 p.m., to July 26 at 11 a.m. on the Friday Harbor High School football field.
Auditions are being held for San Juan Community Theatre’s Summerfest Old West farce, “The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch,” directed by Jane Maxwell Campbell.
I was born in Iowa and my mother was a teacher in a one-room Iowa school house.
Dr. Julie Stein, director of the Burke Museum at the University of Washington, will discuss archaeological investigations of ancient cultures at American Camp and San Juan Island in a guided walk Saturday, 10 a.m., at South Beach.
San Juan Community Theatre’s Whittier stage fills with sweet harmonies during the popular Barbershop Bonanza on Sunday, 2 p.m.
There’s a look of fatigue setting in on the lean teenager’s face. She takes a deep breath and moves to the same place on the dance floor and resets her position for yet another try.
San Juan’s own Gary Gibbons hosts an online radio show on City Sounds Radio, Internet blues and jazz with a San Juan connection,
Steve Dubail, Lee Ann and Cliff Walch are excited to announce the engagement of their son, Joseph Britton Dubail, to Taunya Michelle Gwin.
“If in describing frontier life I might speak plainly of it as I found it, I sincerely hope that what I write for my daughter’s amusement will never be allowed to hurt the feelings of anyone.” Nice try, but no cigar. James Tulloch’s cantankerous voice can still raise hackles, near to 100 years later.