Living with mountain lions

Submitted by the Mountain Lion Foundation.

On April 19 at noon Pacific Time, the Mountain Lion Foundation, a national nonprofit headed by San Juan Island resident R. Brent Lyles, will host the first of a series of live webinars designed to help people coexist peacefully with mountain lions.

In a live, interactive talk, “Best & Worst Places to Be a Mountain Lion in America,” executive director R. Brent Lyles will invite people to notice that the criteria mountain lions consider when choosing their territory are not so different from our own: What are my housing options? Can I find good food nearby? How’s the dating scene? Lyles will share the organization’s list of places where mountain lions can thrive and places that need to improve their habitat and policies. Locations in Washington appear on both the best and the worst list. Register at

Mountain lions play a critical role in maintaining healthy natural landscapes, but their continued presence in those landscapes is often tenuous. The Mountain Lion Foundation hosts the Living with Lions webinars to highlight the challenges mountain lions face while existing in a human-dominated landscape, as well as the solutions available to help them.

As the series continues each month, scientists, journalists, authors, outdoor adventurers, policymakers, advocates and other passionate and knowledgeable people are lined up to present.