Presented by the League of Women Voters.
1. Which amendments to the U.S. Constitution make up the Bill of Rights?
A. The first four amendments.
B. The first five amendments.
C. The first 10 amendments.
2. Not all Colonist leaders approved of the Boston Tea Party, including Benjamin Franklin and this future president.
A. George Washington.
B. John Adams.
C. Thomas Jefferson.
3. The person in this Washington state elected position presides over sessions of the state Senate.
A: The Senate president.
B. The Senate majority leader.
C. The lieutenant governor.
Answers from Jan. 22
1. Question: Which of the national offices has term limits?
Answer: A President
2. Question: What is the longest article of the U.S. Constitution?
A. Article 4.
B. Article 1.
C. Article 8.
Answer: B. Article 1
3. Question: Congress has a lesser-known power to hire these people to attack foreign enemies.
A. Mercenaries.
B. Pirates.
C. Native Americans.
Answer: B. Pirates