Youth: let your voices be heard in this election | Letters

Millennials and Gen Xers, this is your home too and we only have one hospital.

So I understand that there are eight older people on San Juan Island still undecided about the hospital board election. Judging from the debate audiences, where the women appeared to be too old to get pregnant, I’m thinking that the six candidates, who by the way poured out their heart and soul, were addressing the wrong group.

I’m guessing that people who work two or three jobs, and/or have school age children, don’t have the luxury of attending early evening debates. Regardless, the issues of urgent care, immunization clinics, reproductive health, the EMS budget, and especially medical costs are important to them.

Millennials and Gen Xers, this is your home too and we only have one hospital. It is critical that you become informed and vote. Don’t let this be a low turn-out election where one segment of the population makes the decisions for everyone.

Mike Buettell

San Juan Island