Yes to school levy renewal

Please join the San Juan Public Schools Foundation and vote “YES!” for the Education Programs and Operations Levy Renewal on Feb. 8.

Each year our community receives government funding intended to cover the basic educational needs of our youth. Unfortunately, year after year, this amount neglects to cover the budget needed to fully educate and care for our kids.

Without this additional funding, programs essential to the safety, well-being, and enrichment of our kids may be compromised or possibly eliminated.

But you can help! Let’s bridge the gap and ensure that the young people of Friday Harbor receive more than the bare minimum in educational services. On February 8, vote “YES” for Proposition 1 and “YES” for our kids.

Brian Moore, Darla Jungmeyer, Floyd Bourne, Kari McVeigh, Katie Fleming, Katy Taylor Jacobson, Martha Alvarado, Stephanie Buffum

Board Members of the SJ Public Schools Foundation