Whatever you do, don’t pick one of these up

I have been beachcombing Washington beaches since I was a kid and came across something last week that I have never seen before. I found a strange cylinder-shaped object during low tide. Some other beachcombers and myself poked at it trying to figure out what it was. They decided to take it home and contact the military or police at home. Can you imagine my shock when I looked it up online.

I have been beachcombing Washington beaches since I was a kid and came across something last week that I have never seen before.

I found a strange cylinder-shaped object during low tide. Some other beachcombers and myself poked at it trying to figure out what it was. They decided to take it home and contact the military or police at home. Can you imagine my shock when I looked it up online (took forever to find):

“The MLM should not be placed in any confined spaces, including a vehicle, because it could reignite and cause a serious fire. Driving with an MLM in your vehicle puts yourself and other motorists around you at risk. The motion of the vehicle could jar the MLM, making it reignite and start a vehicle fire.” (Source: www.navy.forces.gc.ca/marpac/4/4-w_eng.asp?id=691 ).

Please help me to get the word out that these are not to be transported. I’ve been walking beaches for decades and have never come across one of these before. Someone else could easily make the same mistake.

Shannon Laws
Friday Harbor