Vote no on the EMS levy to save EMS

Most of the island’s first responders oppose the upcoming Public Hospital District (PHD) EMS levy.

We rely on quality EMS. Voting to NOT fund their work sounds unthinkable. San Juan EMS is funded through 2022. It will not collapse if this levy fails. The same caring and professional first responders will show up on your doorstep using the same equipment your tax dollars purchased for them. Leaders come and go, but the staff and volunteers are the folks who ensure you’ll get help when you need it.

A huge majority of our first responders want to work together in a combined agency. We want unified training and work, and we want safety for us and our patients. It would be a tremendous relief to move past the political drama and be free to do our jobs. The biggest risk to our emergency services is attrition of highly trained professionals and volunteers.

The PHD decided to reject the merger, despite overwhelming expert opinion that it would benefit our citizens. They ignored the wishes of the vast majority of first responders and citizens. San Juan Island Fire and Rescue has a full EMS state license, has eight registered aid vehicles and provides 24/7 EMS response to our district. If the Levy fails, integrating the two agencies would be seamless.

Vote NO on the PHD Levy for a better and more efficient EMS system

Adam Greene, First responder: EMT & Firefighter