Supports Asher for sheriff: ‘We can do better. We must do better’

I have personally talked to deputies who have told me they would be risking their careers if they were to publicly support Jeff Asher for sheriff. They have talked of intimidation and veiled threats of consequences if they were to voice their support. Is this the way this department normally operates, or only during an election?

There are several things Sgt. Vierthaler wrote that need to be corrected and refuted (“Doesn’t support Asher for San Juan County sheriff,” July 23

First, Jeff Asher has never said, “… how bad the Sheriff’s Office is because we couldn’t catch Colton Harris-Moore.” If you were to read his letter, you would see that what he did say was, “It is no longer enough to say that we can do better. We must do better.”

Steve, are you saying that there is no room for improvement within the department? That it is managed as well as it possibly can be? That the level of communications between the Sheriff’s office and the deputies in the field is good enough? Jeff believes there is room for improvement and he does have plans to initiate policies to improve the performance of the department as a whole. I don’t understand why you find this to be a problem. It is my opinion that people who simply say, “It happens that some do get away,” without accepting that if things had been done differently the outcome might have been better, are either afraid of change or are simply content to live with the status quo.

Second, I do take offense at your implication that because we on the Dive Team “… are a civilian group, not full-time cops,” that our opinions about Jeff’s abilities as a team builder and leader are somehow of no value or are immaterial. I think that precisely because we are volunteers we are in a better position to judge his character and abilities than some others may be. Jeff does not need stripes on his uniform to build and lead the dive team. During the six years I have been on the team I have seen him build it, with no support from his superiors, with no budget and with no equipment supplied by the county, through his leadership and organizational skills. I find it offensive that you do not feel that my opinion has any merit.

Lastly, you say, “I know of no support for Asher from any of the officers within this department.” I have personally talked to deputies who have told me they would be risking their careers if they were to publicly support Jeff Asher for sheriff. They have talked of intimidation and veiled threats of consequences if they were to voice their support. Is this the way this department normally operates, or only during an election? Is this the kind of behavior you support? I, for one, do not feel that threats and intimidation of deputies should be condoned by the upper levels of the Sheriff’s Department. This is not something that Jeff Asher will tolerate when he is elected.

Sgt. Vierthaler, you say “… there are four good candidates to choose from …” So tell us which of these men you support. Or do you fear repercussions if you support the wrong candidate?

Jeff Morris
Orcas Island