Sunken Park on the rise; gratitude | Letters

I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of the volunteers who donated their efforts towards the transformation of Sunken Park for this year’s Day of Caring on Saturday, Sept. 8.

I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of the volunteers who donated their efforts towards the transformation of Sunken Park for this year’s Day of Caring on Saturday, Sept. 8.

The time that volunteers took from their personal schedules to help beautify the park was a tremendous statement about the dedication we all feel towards our community. The benefit that this project is having on the surrounding area is already evident to me. As an avid walker, I have already noticed that the park is being used more frequently by residents and visitors.

Thank you again to all who helped out. We hope that you will consider working with the town on similar projects in the future.

Mayor Carrie Lacher / Friday Harbor