Retain Henderson as Fire Commissioner | Letter

The best candidate for a board position in a first responder organization is a person who has had direct experience, preferably as an actual responder. I say this because the position of a Commissioner in a small department requires both a broad perspective of how the organization fits into the community and how the citizen volunteer is motivated to sign up and to continue with what can be a demanding, yet rewarding experience. First responder outfits are absolutely unique.

Not only has Jerry been a volunteer structural firefighter, wildlands firefighter and heavy rescue responder, he served as a officer for much of his 15+ years in the department. I was fortunate enough to be his Captain during much of this service and can wholeheartedly vouch for his skills and ability to see the big picture in the organization and in the larger island environment.

When coupled with his extensive business and organizational experience and his current experience as a Commissioner, Jerry is the right person for the job.

Retain Jerry Henderson as Fire Commissioner.

Francis G. Smith,

San Juan Island.